... Assist the Drohobych Seminary

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 Погода в Україні
Assist the Drohobych Seminary PDF Print E-mail

Throughout the history of the Drohobych Seminary we have had good friends - our sponsors. They are people of good will from Ukraine and from outside its borders. Thanks to them our Seminary can successfully operate in the field of education for priesthood. We always remember them in our Liturgies.
For those who would like to join the list of our donors and thus contribute to the preparation for priesthood here are the details of our bank account (hryvnia and foreign currency):

Дрогобицька Духовна Семінарія (Drohobytska Duhovna Seminaria, vul.D.Halytskoho,2 Drohobych, Ukraine)
Код ЄДРПОУ 26483496
 «Alfabank» Kyiv
МФО 300346

in UA Hryvnja:

UA 87 300346 0000026001017850101
UAH CARD - 4102 3251 2402 6311


in EURO:



purpose of payment - donation (добровільна пожертва)

for other foreign currencies, please, contact us.