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- 23/03 Вечір пам’яті отця Ісидора Дольницького у Дрогобицькій семінарії
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Preparatory courses |
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Preliminary, or “zero courses”, for the Drohobych Seminary were established in 1997. Their object is to prepare future students by giving them the knowledge necessary to enter the Seminary. These courses are for males aged from16 to 29 years. Students may enroll in these training courses at any time, by contacting the Administration of the Drohobych Theological Seminary (Vul. D. Halytskoho 2, tel. (00 38) 03 24 4 21704) and submitting the necessary documents - an application addressed to the Rector and a recommendation of your own pastor. The courses are free of charge. Preliminary courses are held in the evening. Classes take place every Friday from 3 pm to 6 pm. The courses last one academic year. Course auditors have lectures on the following subjects: Catechism, Liturgy, Scripture and Church History. At the end of course exams are held in the above subjects and students who achieve the result "excellent", will receive an additional 0.5 points towards their end mark in their entrance examination to the Drohobych Theological Seminary. Attendance at the training courses is not a requirement for entering the Seminary, but experience shows that those who have completed these courses, are better prepared for the Seminary entrance exams.