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Нові матеріали
- 13/03 До семінарії завітали представники Американської Єпископської Конференції
- 13/03 Вийшла книга про еклезіологію
- 12/03 Семінаристи вшанували памʼять двох великих українців [ВІДЕО]
- 10/03 У Шевченківські дні семінаристи взяли участь у віче
- 10/03 Семінаристи ДДС провели перші дні Великого посту в молитві Канону св. Андрея Критського
Minor Seminary: General Information |
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A Minor Seminary is attached to the Seminary and is under the administration of the Rector of the Drohobych Theological Seminary. Currently courses for the Minor Seminary take place once a week. There are three courses open to school boys in the 8th -11th grades from secondary schools or other educational institutions in Drohobych and other cities in the area. The teachers are senior students (4-6 year) of the Drohobych Seminary. The idea of our Minor Seminary at the Drohobych Seminary, which is under the protection of the Priest-Martyrs Severyn, Yakym and Vitaliy, grew from the belief that young people should be able to deepen their knowledge, and experience spiritual and church life, and receive a grounding that serves as a preparation for entering the Seminary. In this sense, our Minor Seminary is close to Minor Seminary, referred to by the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (cf. can. 331 § 1 CCEO; 332 § 1, 334 § 1-3 CCEC). Mainly students who show clear signs of a priestly vocation study in our Minor Seminary, in order to more easily and clearly recognize their vocation while nurturing and developing it. (cf. can. 331 § 1 CCEC). Students who do not show signs of a vocation to the clerical state, but who want to exercise some ministry in the Church or just want to get a deeper knowledge of Church discipline and deepen their own spiritual life, can also study here (cf. can. 331 § 1 CCEC). Study in the Minor Seminary does not mean that a graduate must necessarily join the Major Seminary. With adequate support from the leadership of the Minor Seminary, skills are cultivated in the pupils to help them make free and responsible personal decisions in the light of the Gospel. The main objective of our Minor Seminary is to help a young man make a free choice for his future and to educate him to a life in the community, to lead him to prayer and the sacramental life, acquaint him with the Holy Scripture, the Catechism, the liturgy and Church history. After graduation a Certificate of completion of the Minor Seminary is issued. The program of the Minor Seminary, in addition to the teaching section, contains spiritual, cultural and educational activities (visiting holy places, monasteries, churches, museums, excursions, meetings, common liturgical prayer, Camping, etc.).