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- 10/10 Шестикурсники відвідали військовий госпіталь [ВІДЕО]
- 25/09 Семінаристи помолилися Вечірню з Литією напередодні свята Переставлення Йоана Богослова
- 25/09 У семінарії освятили пожертвувані комплекти літургійних риз
- 24/09 Студенти VI-го курсу ДДС поспілкувались з військовим капеланом
- 14/09 Семінаристи помолилися Вечірню та Утреню з нагоди празника Воздвиження Хреста Господнього
About us |
The foundation of the Sacrament of the Priesthood is God's call to priestly service directed to the Christian, as expressed in the words of the Lord Jesus: "You did not choose Me, it is I who chose you" (Jn. 15.16). The Christian responds personally to Christ's call by following the example of the Apostles who, "left all and followed Him" (Lk. 5.11; cf. Mk.1.18; Mt. 4.20,22). This Christian readiness to "follow Christ" is witnessed to by the Parish community and is confirmed by the Parish Priest (the Spiritual Leader), when he presents the candidate for the Priesthood to the Bishop. The Bishop, following the advice given by St. Paul the Apostle –"Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands" (1 Tim 5.22)- tests the candidate as to his suitability for service and takes upon himself the obligation to provide the necessary formation, therefore the Seminary serves for the preparation of the candidate for the Sacrament of the Priesthood, by using academic standards to grade its students.