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Members of the band "Quo vadis" |
“Quo Vadis” - started as an amateur band. Initially, none of the boys was a professional musician. Some of the participants studied in Drohobych music college, others had studied at music schools (some for only six months). However, none of them played on their own original instrument, for example those who played on keyboard - now play the guitar, and the brass player - now plays keyboard . In October 2010, the Seminary band “Quo Vadis” changed its members. Young "talent" took the places of three brothers who, because of their graduation from the Seminary, had stopped playing in the band. Now on the bass guitar is Ruslan Stetsyk. On the drums is - Ivan Stefanyshyn and on rhythm guitar - Mykola Vytivskyy. Given that none of them were all that familiar with "their" instrument, the first months of training were limited to gaining elementary competence. But at the same time we have learned new songs, which we perform at the Seminary on various occasions. It is difficult to predict the future of the band, which depends totally on the enthusiasm of its members. But we are trying to develop, primarily in the area of musical technique, without which it is impossible to convey the full meaning of our songs. Band members (including previous years): Stepan Bober (percussion, backing vocals) Oleh Kuzyk (vocals, solo guitar) Roman Skalych (drums) Vitaliy Sokruta (vocals, bass guitar) Andriy Ustrytskyy (vocals, rhythm guitar) Andriy Melnychuk (keyboard) Petro Makovetsky (vocals, guitar)