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Oranta albums
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (2007) PDF Print E-mail

Divine Liturgy of Saint John Crysostom (2007) mp3The Choir: "Oranta" of the Drohobych Seminary
Conductor: Fr. Andriy Bunj
Priest Celebrant: Fr. Taras Koberynko
Epistle Reader: Yuriy Silnyk
Sound: Volodymyr Pryriz, Victor Ivanyshyn
Design: Rostyslav Kurtyak
Recorded in the Cathedral of the Blessed Trinity, Drohobych (March 2007)



"Sing praises to our God, sing ..." (2010) PDF Print E-mail

 Audio disc mp3Chorus "Oranta" Drohobych Seminary
Conductor: Fr. Andriy Bunj
Soloist: Iryna Klish (5,6,7,8,13,14)
Accompanist: Olexandra Nimylovych (7,13,14)
Soloists: Fr. Andriy Bunj, Petro Makovetsky, Vasyl’ Komarnytsky, Ruslan Gedz, Ivan Kovalchuk, Ivan Nazar
Cover design: Oleg Bisyk, Anatoliy Tsymbal

MMC "Svichado" 79008, Lviv, a / c 808, Vynnychenka, 22, tel / fax (+380) (32) 297-16-33