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Нові матеріали
- 13/03 До семінарії завітали представники Американської Єпископської Конференції
- 13/03 Вийшла книга про еклезіологію
- 12/03 Семінаристи вшанували памʼять двох великих українців [ВІДЕО]
- 10/03 У Шевченківські дні семінаристи взяли участь у віче
- 10/03 Семінаристи ДДС провели перші дні Великого посту в молитві Канону св. Андрея Критського
Current state of the Seminary |
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There are currently over 80 students in the Drohobytch Theological Seminary undertaking the required six years of study. This is the maximum number of students that the Seminary can accommodate. Courses in Theology, Philosophy, Scripture, Liturgy and the Humanities are taught by 30 teachers, 8 of whom have a Doctoral degree. The students’ academic needs are therefore met by a highly professional, permanent staff. Seminary graduates work as priests in the Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy or outside of it, especially in the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, the Kyiv Archeparchy, Donetsk and Kharkiv and Crimea Exarchate. Some work in the U.S. while others belong to monastic orders. Some graduates are continuing their education in Ukraine and abroad. When the seminary began its work, it was originally housed in a former pharmaceutical warehouse, which was almost completely demolished, and then thoroughly renovated by the Church. In 1998, with the growth of student numbers, a part of the buildings that make up the Holy Trinity Church complex, was given over to meet the Seminary’s needs. For almost 10 years the seminarians prayed in this Church and took part in the liturgical life of the parish. On June 24, 2006 a new building, completely designed and built as a seminary, was inaugurated. This had a symbolic meaning: for the seminary it opened a new phase of life with new tasks and objectives.